Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Seven hours in the corner

I festered all afternoon, and tried not to be bitchy to my lovely wife, but when they proactively held back my funds from the weekend (totaling over $400), I lost it. In all seriousness, I sent this:
I am appalled that after selling on Amazon since 2004, that after a few refunds for justified reasons, and a few negative feedbacks, that not only is my account under review and my funds held for 30 days, within a few hours my account was SUSPENDED without a valid reason. I'm shocked and angered that your policy only looks at 30 days of activity and then treats sellers in such a rude manner. Unless my account suspension is lifted immediately, I will be removing my inventory from Amazon (now at close to 1800 unique items) and selling elsewhere.

At 10:52PM my suspension was lifted, and my funds released. I'm not exactly certain it had anything to do with the above email, but they weren't going to lift it unless I gave SOME response. To quote them, they said: "In order to reinstate your listings, please write and provide a detailed account of the steps you will undertake to bring your performance up to our standards. ".

I wrote, but I certainly didn't give them a plan on how I was going to improve!

Sigh. Corporate drama. I miss it not.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If I buy something from you and give you a glowing report, will that help?