Sunday, February 14, 2010

Weird people

I post on Craigslist that I buy pinball machines..... I often get an email back. Sometimes, I just wonder.


Do you work on them? 
Yes, but I don't do service calls, too many factors
No a freind of mine used to work on them back in the 60s and 70s he really enjoyed it 
Wasn't me. You looking for someone? I know a guy named Alan would fit  that bill 
No you misunderstood me. My freind used to repair pin balls back in the 50s and sixtys. I really likes it I thought if you need some tech advice he probably would be some great help. He still talks foundly of it. Hes retired and he would love to work on a pin ball machine again I am sure 
(Me trying to be nice again)   I'm not very good at EM games at all! I've got a Royal Flush I'm  working  on right now that won't start properly. 
And what does that have to do with pin ball machines? I was talking about pinball machines you been sippin the bong water again? 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Uh, ooookay. Are you just a freak magnet? Wife and present company excluded, of course.