Monday, April 09, 2007

Parking Idiots part 2

One thing I'm going to miss a lot is my little store. I like to call it "The Shoppe", which, if you don't know, helps me differentiate it from "Storage", which is Glenn's building, and "the store", which is where we keep canned good and other crap in my basement, really an old fruit cellar. The Shoppe is great, been perfect for storing my books & software, and it's been a great showroom for my pinballs and video games. There's room for 20 machines, which is a bit cramped, and even now I've got 14 there, but this Friday many will be picked up and on their way. SIGH.

ANYWAY, one thing I won't miss, at all, is the idiots that work next door at the pizza place. I've bitched how they can't park between lines, and over the past year there's been other things that they can't do (must be job requirements), like if the trash guys don't put the dumpster back around the corner, it's CERTAINLY not the pizza guys job to move it, NO WAY! That would be in the category of NMJ. More than once I've arrived and the dumpster is practically in front of my door. I know it's not their fault, but since they use it a LOT daily, filling it every 2-3 days, is it asking too much to push it back in place? Apparently so.

As a whole though, it's the parking. I've been there for 16 months+ now, they know I'm there (hell, I walk in to pay rent!) and not like they don't know I come in all the time, often on odd hours. Parking space is limited and it's not rocket science to park without being an ass and taking up 2 or 3 slots. So I do in on Sunday afternoon, what do I see? Just look below.



Anonymous said...

Maybe pizza girl is what I'm qualified to do!!!!

Anonymous said...

It will be nice to leave all of these complainable things behind when you move to the desert. I hear there is nothing to complain about there.

Toddy said...

Ah, sarcasm...