Tuesday, September 11, 2007


I'm sorry, but WHAT THE HELL?!?!
They changed the size of BUTTER?

Or is this a West coast thing? Did they get Bill Gates in on it? You know, make a change that EVERYONE will have to conform to even though it doesn't make it better? Did they take a survey? Do studies? Testing? Gave a rats ass about all the BUTTER DISHES out there? IT DON'T FIT my DISH MAN!!!!! You know, they still sell hot dogs in a 10 pack, and buns in an 8. They can't fix that but some f-ing genius has convinced the butter patrol to revamp the size of sticks. Help me man, what am I missing?!?!?!?!?!


Anonymous said...

Dude! You got ripped off!! In the south our butter is still regular sized.

Unknown said...

I bet the marketing folks resized it so they could make some nutritional claim about how few calories or such it contains.