Friday, September 22, 2006

Cookin' with Pork: Volume 1

I love pork. It's not the other white meat, it's just GOOD! Everyone knows I love bacon like it was my long lost brother, but it doesn't end there. Bacon, ribs, pulled pork, pork steaks, pork rinds, chops, yum yum yum. Tonight, we had pork roast, crock pot style, and I'm just happy enough with tonight's dinner to want to share. It's my secret recipe.

4-5 pounds Pork shoulder/butt. Often in a net, remove before cooking. Trust me
1 package Onion soup mix. Two if you're a salt fiend
2 cans Cream of mushroom soup
1 1/2 to 2 cans water (more if you used two soup mixes)
1 large carrot
1 big sprig of sage

Heat your crock pot up to 350 and throw in the meat, flipping it around for about 10 minutes. The whole goal here is to kinda sear it a bit.

Lower the heat to 250.

Pour on the soup mix, chop up the carrots kinda thin and put around the meat, cover the whole thing with the mushroom soup and water, top with the sage and cook for 6 hours, flip it every 2 hours or so.

Take the meat out, strain the rest and serve the carrots, the rest is gravy.

I love it served with mashed taters and some kind of bread. The meat just falls apart, and I can drink the gravy. We had it tonight and yummy yummy yum.

Some hints accumulated over time:

  • Don't use beef. OK, fine. Try if you must, but it tends to dry out in my trials
  • Don't use wine. It smells good, but it's usually bitter. Drink it instead. Merlot/Cabernet
  • Don't cook the taters in the crock. They get mushy
  • If you like onions, try throwing in pearl onions!

Mmm. Food. Isn't food grande?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like it better when you just cook it for me.