Friday, September 22, 2006

Garage Sale Finds

OK, I'm second guessing that I've got interesting stories to tell. Today was a TYPICAL Todd day, I shipped a bunch of stuff, ran errands, and hit a few garage sales. It is Friday ya know. I love garage sales. Love them a lot. I used to have my own, but haven't had any in the past coupla years simply cause it's a LOT of work, and THINGS sell better on eBay these days with all the exposure. But today I did have a cha-ching garage sale find. I learned awhile ago to key in on CDs, books, DVDs and even VHS tapes. If I can get a box of stuff for a few bucks, I'm happy. DVDs are coming up more and more often, and every once in awhile, you find something a little off. Easy to buy, easy to list (on Amazon usually) and easy to ship. I also get to add to my collection of music and movies cheaply. So what if it's "All about the Benjamins" or "Bring it on!", ya can't complain too much for 50 cents!!

So anyway, I almost didn't go to the last sale. The first sale was a bust, the second "Estate Sale" was BS (if I can't walk through your kitchen and basement, the estate ain't for sale baby!). I did manage to buy a light timer for a buck, one that replaces a light switch, and this is peachy cause the one that controls the porch lights has been funked for a year+. Now I got another project! The last sale was happy to proclaim its "BABY STUFF....KIDS CLOTHES", which as you can guess, thrills me about as much as shopping for yarn. But it's close to my house, what the hell right? I go anyway. Tables and tables of kids junk, the Barbie Corvette (oh yeah), little tents, tons of books on breastfeeding which I *ALMOST* looked at (for Amazon), but the covers were icky and curled and I had this mental image of some mommy squeezing her hooter in to a jar and yelling "FRANK!? FRANK?! I'm NOT doing it RIGHT again, gimmee the BOOK!.....NOW!!!!"
So I passed on that...

I had pretty much given up when I was halfway through the driveway, but I did see a Crock Pot and a coffee maker, so there was hope. Sweeping the eyes through the garage....AH! There it is, the table of not-kids-stuff. It's small, movies, glasses, CDs, and FOOD! What's this? Spaghetti? Hey! I like sketty! R&F? That's a good name (house bitches do the shopping). Bunch of it, a case as a matter of fact, and it's marked 25 cents a box. About 8 boxes left. Hmmm. Wonder why she's selling it. So I ask:

"Whater you selling the spaghetti for?"

"Oh, it's a quarter."


"No, I mean WHY?"

"Oh, someone gave us a case. We don't need a case". First thought was, man, you obviously got a lot of kids, I'd keep the noodles instead of the coupla bucks you're going to make! But whatever. I grab 4 and look over the table and grab some Lipton Rice stuff mixes (I checked the dates) and a beer glass the kind I like from Fred P. Ott's, like I needed another and then look over the CDs. Not much, 50 cents each and there's about 10 of them. Hey! Two DVDs, new, sealed. She's got $3 each on the DVDs, and without revealing to you the secrets of the garage sale haggle, I walked out of there with the DVDs, CDs and food and spending a whole $10, and turning around and buying Tracy a wall candle holder that kinda matches what we have for $2 more. Is this exciting yet? OK, I'll wrap this up. As I do when I get stuff like this, I immediately go home and list on Amazon. At 2:10PM I listed Animaniacs Vol 1 and at 2:11PM I listed Pinky and the Brain. At 3:42PM Pinky sold for $23.95 and at 4:45PM Animaniacs sold for $27.95. This is my life, this makes me giddy....

Postscript: I bought an electronic Whoopee Cushion with remote control at HyVee today for $5! The dogs don't like it.

PPS: Tomorrow is the Walnut Grove neighborhood garage sale!!!!


Anonymous said...

Why don't the dogs like the whoopie cushion? Too much competition?

Toddy said...

Too tinny sounding, they bark at it. Not like a real fart AT ALL!