Tuesday, November 21, 2006

I bitch, therefore I am

So it's been on my mind that I've not posted a blog lately, now it's approaching 2 months. So why, may you ask, have I not posted? Well, too busy is always the easy excuse, but in the back of my mind I guess I've been a little affected by a comment a good buddy of mine made to me which in essence said "you sure do bitch a lot". OK, it wasn't really said that way, but then again, it was. So then of course every time I thought of a great topic to post about, it was a great topic to BITCH about, and I didn't! And then the days passed and I'd think of another gripe and wouldn't post and here it is, 2 months later. I guess it comes down to personality traits, I'm not one to just "let it go" like some, and I think that's part of the reason I am how I am. Or who I am. Or whatever. Bitching = stories, and stories are meant to be told, that's what I'm telling myself anyway. So, sorry if I bitch too much, but it's who I am. And I'm gonna do more. I'll throw in the fuzzy ducky stories once in awhile too, just to screw things up.


Anonymous said...

It's yer blog. Write whatever you want. Just write!

Anonymous said...

What's wrong with bitching? Bitching makes for some funny stories, so tell your friend to take a leap!