Tuesday, November 21, 2006

No wonder people go "Postal"

I got a letter the other day (addressed to Tom) from the post office. They will no longer pick up my packages that I leave for them on the front porch. Why? Well, it's TOO much work. Too much I tell you for the mailman to sort at the end of the day. Oh, they'll still do it, if I DAILY predict the number of packages I'll have, sorted by class and total weight. By 2AM, I need to log this info for pickup the following day. They need this info so they can justify someone's data. I have suggestion for you, COUNT them! Now, I can take the packages to the drop box around the corner, or take them to the post office, and the EXACT same work will be done, but apparently I'm a burden to the letter carriers at the end of the day. My 10-20 on average packages add (I timed this) oh, less than a minute to their day to sort.

Yup, this is the thanks I get for spending $11,854.55 in postage since I've become self employed.

There will be no Christmas present for Bill this year.

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