Friday, August 24, 2007

Weather: A BORING experience

Today the news said we hit day 80 of not having any measurable precipitation, and even that was 500ths of an inch. They said the last significant amount was in May, in the form of snow. Every day seems the same, with slight fluctuations on the temp, but nearly always sunny and hot. It most bore the bejeesuz out of the weathermen, can you tell? They gotta get creative. These is my actual EXCITING forecast:

F: Record breaking temperatures
S: Record breaking temperatures
S: Sunshine
M: A full day of sunshine
T: Plenty of sunshine
W: Sunny (guess SOMEONE wasn't in the SPIRIT NOW!)
T: Plenty of sunshine
F: Record breaking temperatures
S: Record breaking temperatures (Can you tell the weekend guy is working?)
S: Record breaking temperatures
M: Record breaking temperatures
T: Hot with sunshine
W: Sunny and very warm
T: Hot in the morning, sunshine (or sunshine in the morning, hot)
F: Sunny and hot (please kill me!)

A few weeks ago there was a 30% chance of maybe getting a brief downpour. *MUCH* excitement!! They so happened to have finally caught Bin Laden that day, dressed like Al Gore working at a Taco Bell, but this was BIG NEWS! Needless to say, we got nothing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You so funny!